McOnie Company Good Morning Midnight

Good Morning Midnight

2012 Jermyn Street Theatre / Latitude Festival

Between the silk sheets of sleep and consciousness, your body and mind begin to free fall. Bouncing off weightless pillows we bid a good morning to midnight.

Set to an amazing original score that will manipulate your heart rate, Good Morning Midnight is the first in a line of collaborations between the McOnie Company and the sensational recording artist Tasha Taylor Johnson. A danced dreamscape worth coming to bed for.

  • ‘On first impressions, Good Morning Midnight could be a show that appeals mostly to those who appreciate contemporary or classical dance, however in reality, its audience should be anyone who appreciates the beauty of something unknown. McOnie’s choreography and TTJ’s soothing yet exciting music collate perfectly to create this piece of theatre. Exciting and electric, it inspired me, and I hope the rest of the audience, to stretch further, reach higher and not feel limited by surroundings. Good Morning Midnight defies the confines of a small theatre space and takes the audience on an unforgettable journey through the night-time.’
  • ‘The beauty of Good Morning Midnight undoubtedly lies in the abilities of the 6 dancers. Each with their own style and interpretation of the choreography, they work both individually and as a company to create the world of the night owl. With comedy, drama, sexuality and emotion, each dancer performs their night-time routine with their entire heart and soul. It helps that McOnie’s choreography is stunning. Using the space as though it were the size of the Royal Opera House, McOnie stretches each dancer to the max, working every fibre of their bodies to every corner of the theatre.’
Good Morning Midnight Poster
  • Direction/Choreography Drew McOnie
  • Co-Created with Tasha Taylor Johnson
  • Based on the album 'Feed Your Ego'
  • Music and Lyrics Tasha Taylor Johnson
  • Set and Costume Design Ryan Laight
  • Sound Design Adam Taylor
  • Casting Adam Maskell
  • Producer Lucy Ockenden
  • Dancers Carrie Johnson, Jaslyn Reader, Kirsty Mather, Jonathan Ollivier, Henry Davis, Simon Hardwick

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